Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last Blog Post!

Throughout this year I've read a lot of books for blogging for this class. I added up a rough estimate of how many pages I've read this year and I came up with around 1,415 pages. I finished almost every book that I started except for the first book I started to read which was called "A Long Way Gone" and the reason why I didn't finish that book was because it wasn't very interesting to me in the beginning. I'm sure it got better if you kept reading, but it didn't interest me right away so I decided to start a different book. The other book I didn't finish was "My Sister's Keeper" which I am going to finish, but didn't have enough time in the year to keep blogging about it.

When I would read for this class I would usually read in my room. If I were to read anywhere else I would get too distracted and wouldn't be able to comprehend what I'm reading. I can't read with music one, it has to be completely quiet usually for me to be able to read effectively. I would usually read at night before bed because that's the time where I can relax and enjoy my book the most. If the book was at it's climax any time I had free time I would find myself reading it. I would turn my phone on silent and put it out of reach from my bed so I wouldn't be tempting to check it. Depending on the book, I would get really into my reading if it was an intense part. I would talk about the books I was reading with my friends or family. A lot of the books I read this semester were about Christian things so I would even discuss issues from that with people at my church and in my Bible study to compare the different views. It is fairly easy to find books that interest me because I can just go into the Family Christian Book Store and look around and find a book that intrigue me.
Word count: 352

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"My sister's keeper" pages 253-303

Total for week: 102

In the beginning of this section Anna starts thinking about how awful it would be if Kate died, but she also thinks of the things she could do if she died. I think that's pretty selfish of her to think of the advantages of Kate dying, but then again she's been selfless all of her life so maybe she deserves that. Sara and Brian are fighting in the car about hiring a better lawyer. Meanwhile, Julia shows up to the hospital and asks Anna if she wants her mom to leave the house, but Anna says no. Anna also says that she's changed her mind about the lawsuit and doesn't want to go through with it anymore. Julia leaves and Brian stays with Anna to give her some time away from her mother.
I wonder if Anna decided to drop the lawsuit because it was causing too much stress for everyone. She probably felt bad that now the family's problems are because she wants her body to herself instead of helping her sister live. Or maybe it's because she wants to continue helping her sick sister out, who knows! I can't wait to find out.

Monday, May 16, 2011

"My sister's keeper" pages 202-252

In this section Julia meets brian at the firestation and they discuss the situation with Anna. Brian starts talking about why he even became a firefighter. He did it to save lives, but wishes he could chose whose lives to save (thinking about Anna). Then Brian asks Julia if he can take her to meet someone, but won't tell her who.

In Brian's car on the way to meet the mysterious person, there are flashbacks of Julia weeping after Campbell left, and of her drinking. Back at the house they decide to go to the hospital where Sara begs Julia not to tell Kate that Anna has not dropped the lawsuit. kate and Julia talk alone and Kate tells her that Jesse does a lot of rebelious things to be noticed. I'm guessing since all of the attention is always on Kate, Jesse just wants some atention. Kate also tells her about a year where she got sick just about every day and that was really hard for Anna because she suffers to since she has to donate things to Kate when she's sick. If I was Kate I would feel so bad for my family because everything it centered around her, especially all of their problems and arguements. I wouldn't let Anna donate parts of her body to me if they were making her sick too, I just wouldn't be able to make my own sister go through that.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"My Sister's Keeper" pages 141-201

Total for week: 101

Desalvo calls Julia and asks her to be the guardian item in Anna's court case. Julia says yes and then goes to meet Anna. Julia takes her to the zoo and talks to her, asks her about her life. Julia realizes that either way this court case goes either Anna or her sister will die. When they get home Julia tries to talk with Sara, but she just blows her off and doesn't talk to her. Julia then goes to Campbells office and it appears they have had a romantic relationship in the past.

Julia and Campbell discuss what the options are for the Fitzgerald family and Campbell suggests that they kick Sara out of the house. Julia doesn't think that is the best option for the family. They keep arguing about what they should do and finally Campbell leaves and Julia is alone in his office. She has a flashback to when they were in high school. When Campbell composes himself in the bathroom he goes back to his office and Julia is gone. Another flashback happens and it's their first kiss. Later Campbell goes to Anna's house and feels awkward because he doesn't usually spend time with his clients. That same night Campbell goes to visit Julia and confuses her with her twin sister Izzy. When he finally talks to the real Julia, she tells him that she doesn't feel comfortable being around him after all that has happened. I think they should set aside their past and move on to help Anna's family. It's almost childish to let a relationship from 15 years ago get in the way of helping a girl that desperately needs help.

Monday, May 9, 2011

"My Sister's Keeper" pages 101-140

In this next section Campbell was out for coffee and when he returned Anna was in his office waiting for him. While she was there Sara called Campbell lied and told him that Anna had changed her mind about the lawsuit. Anna said that was not true. While this is going on Campbell has a sad flashback of when he was younger and he lost his sailing competition and dissappointed his father. Campbell goes to meet Sara and she said that she is going to act as counsel for her and Brian. Later Sara and Brian meet with Judge Desalvo and they argue about what Anna really wants. He then decides that he needs to speak with Anna first. I think this was a good call on Desalvo's part because he doesn't know what he's getting himself into so it's best for him to talk to the girl in the case.

The next part is narrated by Anna. She wondered what her funeral would be like and comes to the conclusion that not many people would show up. She thinks that there would be a ton of people at Kate's funeral because she is so loved. Later Anna meets with Judge Desalvo and becomes emotional while telling him a funny memory of Kate and her pulling a prank on a nurse. She tells him that she doesn't want to give Kate her kidney and Judge Desalvo reassures her that a hospital would never take from an unwilling donner. Anna tells him that she never chose to be a donner, her mom just offered her up. I think this is really sad how all of Anna's life has been about her sister. She must feel so unloved with the spotlight always shinning on her sister.

6 Poems

Theme: the divinity of God

1. Macular Hole by Catherine Wagner
2. Jerusalem by William Blake
3. Spring Song by Lucille Clifton
4. A psalm of Abraham of that which was visited upon him by A.M. Klein
5. At the three fountains by Arthur Symons
6. His sovereignty by Kalonymos ben moses of lucca

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"My Sister's Keeper" pages 49-100

Total for week: 100

In this next section, Sara, Kate and Anna are at the hospital while Kate has her dialysis. Then a sherrif comes to their room and hands Sara paper work about the case that Anna has filled out. Then Jesse picks Anna up from the hospital and they go home. When they are all home Anna says that she refuses to drop the lawsuit and Brian starts to think that maybe this isn't fair for Anna. It seems obvious to me that this whole situation isn't fair at all to Anna. Anna says in the beginning of this section that she feels as though this is just a temporary family and she is just waiting to move on to her real one. Which if she is religous at all is right, this is just a temporary home and life for everyone.

Later Kate goes to the hospital to find out that her cancer is resisting the treatment given to her. They try new treatment and she becomes nauseous and doesn't respond well to it. Soon after she develops an infection. Sara is considering having another child that would be a genetic match for Kate. I find it interesting that Sara doesn't seem to realize that if she has another child, she will love that child as much as Kate and won't want to hurt it for her other child.