Sunday, January 30, 2011

Crazy Love pages 68-82

This chapter is called "Profile of the Lukewarm". Right when I heard that title I thought I had a pretty good idea of what all would be said in it. I've heard of being "lukewarm" in a relationship with Christ before, but I'd never thought of it the way Francis Chan put it. One thing that stuck out to me was when Chan said that he "rejected what the majority said", and instead he compared his life to scripture. Today in church my Pastor said that sometimes the majority is wrong, so we should always just listen to what God says. It's kind of ironic that I read this the same day that my Pastor spoke about it; to me, that's God trying to send me a sign. The next things that Francis said really stood out to me, he had a long list of things that "lukewarm people" believe and do. One of these things on the list that made me think was when he said that these people tend to do what is popular over what is right. He said that people strive to fit in based on what other people think of their actions and words, more than what God thinks of their hearts and lives. I'm sure everyone at one point or another has done things solely because they are accepted by the public. A piece of scripture that Francis quoted from Revolations 3:1 and said "I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead". This goes along with pretending to be a Christian, but not obeying what the Bible says.

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