Monday, January 31, 2011

Crazy Love pages 83-100

This chapter was eye-opening for me. The title is "Serving Leftovers to a Holy God", and it talked about the idea of being "lukewarm" like in the last chapter. He gave many verses that helped back him up in his reasoning. One thing he said was that people are only willing to make changes in their lives if it affects their salvation. This is very true to most Christians; many of us are mainly concerned that we will make it to heaven more than our personal relationship with God. Francis said that so many people ask him questions like "Can I divorce my wife and still go to heaven? Do I have to be baptized to be saved?", these questions reveal the sins that people have done. We are so worried that we will not make it to heaven from our sinful actions, but yet we don't take the time to change our ways. Francis quoted Jesus's words in John 14:15 that say: "If you love me, you will obey what I command". This verse is very simple, but also complex at the same time. God lays out what we have to do, and we should do it, but instead we are so worried about doing the wrong thing and not making it to heaven. This chapter gives so many verses from the Bible that tell us exactly what we need to do in order to live a godly life, which I am striving to accomplish.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. Very personal, thoughtful. I like the videos you've found, too. I'd like you to track the pages you've read for me, if you could. Maybe make a post right before blogs are due, showing the current and total pages.

    Keep up the interesting work you're doing here.
