Monday, February 7, 2011

Modern Family

Modern Family is one of my favorite shows, along with The Office. Modern Family is about three different immediate families that are all related either through marraige or blood. One of the families consists of a wife, Claire, husband, Phil, two daughters, Hayley and alex, and a son, Luke. In this family Phil is the one with the most humor, in my opinion because he makes a joke about everything. His humor can be lame, but that's what makes it funny in my opinion. Claire is more uptight than Phil, and she is a perfectionist. Hayley is the stereotype of a sixteen year old girl; she is obsessed with her cell phone, her friends and her boyfriend. Alex is the middle child who is a bookworm and excels in school. Luke is the youngest of the family; some might say he is the dumb one of the family. The next family has two gay partners who have an adopted daughter. One of the men's name is Mitchell, and he is a lawyer who is a little more quiet than his partner Cameron. Cam is a loving guy who is friendly and can pretty much get along with anyone. Their daughter, Lily is the cutest baby ever; she never cries or shows any emotion during the show, but she is adorable just the way she is. The last part of the family has a wife, Gloria, a husband, Jay, and a son, Manny. Gloria is from columbia and she is a very outspoken, beautiful women. The husband is an older man who loves to play golf and who loves his wife. Their son, Manny, is mature for his age, and by blood he is Gloria and her previous husband from Columbia's son. Jay is the father of Claire and Mitchell, and that is how all three of these families are related. The humor in this show between these families is hilarious, and flows very naturally so that people can relate to these crazy families.

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